Writing blogs are full of advice that go from advanced relaxation that could make a Tibetan monk jealous to any kind of activities such as sports, games, singing. Some will tell you that you are writing a story that is just not for you, while others will blame it on your life and will tell you to take break. Lastly, you will hear that the best solution is to watch a movie or read a book and you most likely will create out of the lack of inspiration something that will basically be just a copy, or very inspired, of what you were reading/watching.
Determined, you follow every step and even if you manage to overcome the writer’s block, it always come back. It’s because the writer’s block doesn’t exist. Your inner-self is trying to communicate with you.
Why are you writing?
If it’s just a hobby, it’s normal you don’t always know what to write. It’s not called writer’s block, it’s called life. Sometimes I don’t feel like drawing or going swimming or whatever hobby someone can do. There is nothing to fix here.
If you consider writing more than a hobby, then things are different. It could be either your job or your dream job. Then why can’t you write?
Have you ever wondered why are you writing? Go ahead and ask yourself this question.
What happens where you are writing for fame (becoming a best seller author, having lot of readers, etc.)? Although having a specific goal in your mind is the key to achieve it, you can’t write just for those reasons. Love and passion need to be the reasons why you write. If writing doesn’t make you feel alive, happy and complete, then I am sorry but your writer’s block will last forever.
There is one exception, though. Let’s say you really are passionate about writing and you have a public (huge or small) who reads your work. It’s normal to worry about readers’ reactions, the so-called haters, charts, reads, selling and so on. In this case you are not going through a writer’s block. You are slowly forgetting why you are writing (passion) and you are focusing on worries and expectations.
The problem of the ‘why you are writing’ also explains the feeling that makes you think: ‘I don’t like what I write (lack of
Who are you trying to please?
If you got hate for your last work, or a writer you know is being more successful than you - even if you don’t think it’s fair- , or your writing career isn’t going anywhere, you will think that you are not liking what you write and you have writer’s block but what is really happening is that you are projecting your frustration in your writing and it’s damaging your self-esteem.
What are you writing?
Writer’s block can simply be the cause of you writing something you don’t like.
If you are on a project you don’t have any choice but to write about that story/topic. But hey, you are a writer! You can make out of a boring topic something amazing.
Here is how to make things less frustrating.
If you are writing a story as a ghost writer or if you are adapting a story:
Try to think about the characters or the plot as if they were yours. As ghost writer or adaptor, you always have a small freedom to insert your twist in the writing. Have fun and be grateful that you have gotten so far in your writing career that you can make money with it by ghost writing or adapting someone’s else idea or story. Think of when you didn’t even know if someone would ever have liked something you wrote. If you are having writer’s block, it’s probably because you are not happy that you are not the one in the spotlight; remember how lucky you are. Always.
If you are writing a blog article:
Your frustration could mean that you are not passionate about the topic. It happens. To avoid frustration, try to make things funnier. Do some creative and original research about the topic and look at it as an opportunity to express yourself. Not everyone is that lucky.
If you are writing a sequel:
Try to remember what made you passionate about the first novel you wrote. The stress of writing a sequel mixed with the fear of the readers’ reactions could lead to a block. Maybe you even decided to write a sequel only because of the publisher’s pressure or because your new works are not as successful as the old ones and you need to find a way to pay your bills. As always, you are not focusing on the deeper reason of why you are writing. Go back to your passion and forget about readers and money. If you can’t, then writer’s block will be your best friends.
In the case you decide what to write, you could jump on an easy way to sell which is writing about trending topics or just accept a project for money even if you are not into it. If this happens, you are losing sight of the ‘why are you writing’ and your writer’s block is basically your brain telling you that you are walking outside the path you initially chose for you and your passion of writing.
The problem of the ‘what you are writing’ also explains the feelings that makes you think: ‘I can’t write (lack of motivation)’.
You are writing about something you hate.
Why did you choose to write about it?
Money or reads? Stop.
Go back to writing what you like. With a good amount of research, some good feedback from readers, and good self-criticism, you can make money with the things you love to write.
Who are you writing about?
One of the common mistakes is to confuse the writer’s block with the ‘lack of information about the story’.
How can you write if you don’t know all the elements of the world you are creating? Once plot, characters, and chapters planned you need to take a few days to spend some time with your characters. Imagine them talking, behaving, interacting with other characters, or acting in specific scenes of your story. If you think about it, it’s logical: how can you write about someone you don’t know?
When are you writing?
Are you more of a morning person or are you a night owl? Is your little brother yelling wanting more candies while you try to write, nervously sitting at the kitchen table?
Writer’s block is also ‘lack of writing space’. Writing, just like any other activity, requires an adequate setting. Also, writing is a job that relies on your brain: you can’t be bothered by externals factors while doing it. Try to set up a writing space (or an office if you can) where you are surrounded by things that inspires you: the first fan art someone sent you, perfumed candles, the picture of you and your best friend, your favorite book cover. Everything works if it makes you feel inspired and motivated.
Lastly, just stop worrying. Fill your heart with excitement and joy for your craft: no one can write like you and no one should block you from expressing your talent, not even the Writer’s Block :)
Copyright ©Purpleisweird

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